Privacy Policy


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”), we inform you that the personal data collected on the website (hereinafter, the “Institutional Site”), the personal data you provide when registering on our internet page (hereinafter referred to as “our Online Shop”), as well as the data you provide in the context of our commercial relationship and/or the delivery of products acquired through our Online Shop, will be processed in a file managed by L.I.D., SNC with capital of 4,500 euros, registered in the Reims Trade and Companies Register under number B398 656 587, with registered office at 66 rue de Courlancy – CS 20017 – 51726 REIMS CEDEX, – France – Tel. 03 26 78 50 50 – email :

Processing purposes, legal basis and retention periods

We undertake to process your personal data only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, on a lawful legal basis, and for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. We process personal data for the following purposes, legal bases and retention periods:

Purpose — Legal basis — Shelf life
Management of orders, customer relations, payment, delivery and complaints. — Performance of the contract concluded with you. — Duration of our business relationship with you.
Managing your user account. — Execution of the general conditions of the site. — Lifetime of your user account.
Managing our accounts. — Compliance with a legal obligation. — Duration of our business relationship with you and until the end of the last associated accounting period.
Managing responses to questions and requests for information. — Pursuit of our legitimate interest in responding to your requests. — The time required to process your requests.
Prospecting management. — Pursuit of our legitimate interest in increasing our customer base. — 3 years from the last contact from you, or from the end of our commercial relationship.

The above retention periods may also be extended, in intermediate storage, in order to (i) enable us to exercise our rights and defend ourselves in court, in which case the intermediate storage period will be the duration of the statute of limitations for the action concerned, or (ii) to comply with a legal or regulatory retention obligation.

Personal data collected

In particular, we collect and process your surname, first name, address, e-mail address, password, telephone number, IP address, connection and browsing data, order history, product after-sales service information, delivery incidents and complaints. The compulsory nature of the data collected directly on the institutional Site or the online Shop is indicated at the time of collection by an asterisk.

Communications likely to be received

Following an order or as part of the follow-up of a contract, you will receive an email to enable you to follow your order or the execution of your contract (order confirmation, information on the delivery of your parcel, information on the expiry of your subscription…). These service messages are necessary for the proper execution of the orders and services you have requested. The legal basis for this processing is the contractual relationship. The receipt of this information is not linked to your choice to receive newsletters and commercial offers.
Following the creation of your account or a purchase from our Online Shop, if you have not objected, you may receive information and commercial offers from Champagne Tsarine by email (electronic communications). These newsletters enable us to keep you informed of the latest news from our Online Shop. The legal basis for this processing is L.I.D.’s legitimate interest. We measure the opening rate of our electronic mailings in order to adapt them to your needs. Finally, we may also send you an answer by e-mail when you contact us via our contact form.

Data recipients

We may transfer your personal data to companies in the LANSON-BCC Group (L.I.D. holding company) in order to fulfil our contractual or commercial obligations, as well as for the Group’s administrative purposes, and also for the purposes of prospecting for similar or analogous products. We would like to point out that all LANSON-BCC Group companies are located within the European Union (EU) or in a third country recognized as suitable by the EU, which guarantees full protection of your personal data. Our company will never communicate your data to other third parties without informing you, except to fulfill our legal and regulatory obligations, to respond to requests from judicial or administrative authorities, to respond to judicial requisitions or to judicial police officers, or to respond to the needs of auxiliaries of justice and ministerial officers in charge of collecting our debts or defending our interests. In the event that you have given your express consent to receive commercial offers for our products via newsletters, we inform you that, for the purposes of managing email dispatches, our company will transfer your personal data to Sarbacane Software SAS, 3 Avenue Antoine Pinay, Parc d’activités des 4 vents, 59510 HEM, RCS Lille Métropole 509 568 598, represented by SASU KALOMA CAPITAL in its capacity as Chairman. The collection and processing of personal data carried out by Sarbacane Software are governed by the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, and by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In the event that you have communicated your banking information (card number, expiry date and cryptogram) in order to acquire the products on the Internet page, we inform you that this data will never be in our possession since banking transactions are processed directly and securely by our payment partner. In fact, they are communicated directly to the Monetico payment platform (CM-CIC bank), which stores them securely on its servers. To exercise your rights in relation to this data, you must contact this supplier directly, in accordance with their data protection charter. The communication of this data is essential for the provision of the card payment service.

Rights to your personal data

The personal information we collect is intended to help us respond to your requests and process your orders. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, object to and delete any personal data concerning you that is processed under the responsibility of L.I.D. Depending on the circumstances, you also have the right to portability and limitation, as well as the right to withdraw your consent, if the processing of your data is based on such consent. We would like to point out that the exercise of some of these rights may, on a case-by-case basis, make it impossible for our company to supply or fulfill the order. You can exercise this right by contacting our customer service department, subject to production of valid proof of identity:
– by post to the following address: L.I.D., MONSIEUR LE DÉLÉGUÉ À LA PROTECTION DES DONNÉES, 66 rue de Courlancy – CS 20017 – 51726 REIMS CEDEX
– by email to
– To exercise your rights with regard to your banking information, please contact our payment service provider Monetico at the following address: Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC), 6 avenue de Provence, 75452 Paris CEDEX 09.
You also have the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority, should you consider that our processing of your data does not comply with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Treatment safety

While your data is being held, we take all the necessary organizational, legal, software and technical measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data, so as to prevent it from being deleted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.